A corporation or business keeps its accounting separate from owner's transactions.
Assum a company/corporation will continue in existence unless otherwise stated. Thus, assets are still valued @ historical cost (purchase price).
The users of financial statements will be analyzing statements that fall within a specific fiscal period. All statements will be reported in a timely manner.
All assets are valued @ their purchase price + any additional costs to bring it to running order.
To recognise revenue in the time period in which it was earned, regardless of the exchange of cash.
To match the expenses to the revenues in the time period they occurred, regardless of the exchange of cash.
Any info that affects the decision making of the financial statements must be disclosed in the company's note to financial statements. E.g. inventory valuation & tracking types, depreciation method, pending lawsuits, unused lines of credit.
Any transaction or piece of info, that is 'material' in value compared to a company's assets & profits should be disclosed in the financial statement.
The value of a dollar is assumed to be constant over time, regardless of changes in its buying power.
All measurements in dollar values are calculated using methods that are as universally acceptable and logical as possible, to ensure that the figures are reliable.
The methods used to calculate values for the financial statements should not be changed randomly and must be fully disclosed when they are changed.
To prevent providing misleading information on the financial statements, the worst case scenario is always presented.