The government of Ontario wants to ensure that our school system is being run with utmost efficiency. With this in mind there are a few changes being made to the educational system. The following is an outline of the various improvements currently being implemented.
In the interest of the people of Ontario the government has decided to eliminate one of the largest expenditures in the education budget - teachers. The truth is that modern schools don't need teachers anyway. For the paltry sum of $19.95 per month per class, students can have access to the Internet @ school. After all the reason kids go to school is to learn stuff, right. And everyone knows that you can find information about anything on the Internet, right? So there is really no need for teachers in our educational system @ all. They are merely the legacy of the past & are no longer required for the advancement of society. Besides, just think of the extra money the citizens of Ontario will have for their RRSP contributions.
Another unneccesary element of our school system is prep time. For the few teachers who are kept on during the transition years till they can be eliminated altogether, prep time will not be something they can count on. After all the years of training & experience that our teachers have acquired, they should know what to do when they enter the class through force of habit alone. If they simply cut down on the time they spend eating, sleeping & socialising, they could concentrate better on the task @ hand i.e. stuffing students heads full of the knowledge that they need to graduate. Is that too much to ask of them? After all, it's not like they have to do anything really out of the way.
In order to effect a tax reduction the government of Ontario has decided to shave a few hundred million dollars from the educational budget. Mr. Harris thinks that we already overspend way too much on useless things like education & healthcare. A little cut like that won't hurt the schools. They won't even notice it.
Another brilliant idea of the government is to get real experts to teach classes that impart practical skills to kids. Former athletes can be gym coaches, retired musicians can be music teachers etc. Of course, these professionals will not have degrees in education, but you can't have everything, you know. Besides, washed out boomers are a lot cheaper than extensively trained educational staff.
Don't think for a moment that, just because most of the MPPs send their kids to private schools, they are out of touch with the state of our public & seperate school boards. They watch the news too, you know. Besides, the value of a high school degree is overestimated anyway. Just ask Mr. Snobelen.
So don't worry about the future of Ontario. Don't worry about the 650,000 teachers who will be hit with pay cuts & layoffs. That is a small price to pay for a tax reduction. Don't worry about increased stress levels affecting the teachers who do stay on. They can learn how to cope with it so it doesn't affect their classroom performence. Don't worry about the increased size of our children's classes. The more, the merrier. Don't worry about unqualified teachers educating our children. It will expose them to more of the real world. So relax. You can feel secure in the caring hands of Mike & the Boys.