Spirit Week

Student council wanted to do something extra special this semester to make up for the lame one we last had as a result of the strike and the subsequent work-to-rule. They planned and pulled off a week of crazy stunts that will go down in history as Spirit Week. To begin with, there was Pyjama Day, which saw many Newmanites show up at school clad in their sleepwear. The participation rate for this event was slightly less than expected because anyone who takes the TTC in winter knows better than to wear pyjamas outside. On the second day a repeat of last years Crazy Hair Day was scheduled but once again significantly few people took the opportunity to, uh, let their hair down. Some of us, of course, treat every day like Crazy Hair Day so it was nothing out of the ordinary. The highlight of the week was Career Day. Unlike career days you may have heard of before, this one had virtually nothing to do with giving students information about their chosen or prospective fields of work. It was effectively an exercise in creative thinking, with students having to come up with interesting reasons for being able to wear sneakers, jeans and T-shirts. I quite enjoyed it actually. To recuperate from all the excitement caused by Career Day, we had a good ol' jeans day. Finally, there was Goofy Shoe Day. I expected to see some really weird footwear, but all I got were sneakers. In retrospect, Spirit Week was a nice effort on the part of student council.